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Luis Pedro Carmo2024-08-02T20:04:30+00:00
Zirra Shallangwa The Epidemiology and risk factors of Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus in Tanzanian smallholder dairy cattleLuis Pedro Carmo2024-08-02T20:04:30+00:00
Luis Pedro Carmo2024-08-02T20:04:30+00:00
Woolley Lifestyle risks for healthy aging in a dog populationLuis Pedro Carmo2024-08-02T20:04:30+00:00
Luis Pedro Carmo2024-08-02T20:04:30+00:00
Willgert Cattle movements and potential control strategies for tuberculosis in an endemic settingLuis Pedro Carmo2024-08-02T20:04:30+00:00
Luis Pedro Carmo2024-08-02T20:04:30+00:00
Wigdan Hazard identification in chicken sold in Kigali, RwandaLuis Pedro Carmo2024-08-02T20:04:30+00:00
Luis Pedro Carmo2024-08-02T20:04:30+00:00
Waller Biosecurity measures against Salmonella spp, pathogenic Ecoli and Hepatitis E virus on pig farmsLuis Pedro Carmo2024-08-02T20:04:30+00:00
Luis Pedro Carmo2024-08-02T20:04:30+00:00
Vergne Investigating the contribution of blood feeding flies to the risk of African swine fever virus spread in FranceLuis Pedro Carmo2024-08-02T20:04:30+00:00
Luis Pedro Carmo2024-08-02T20:04:30+00:00
Valenzuela Agüí SARS CoV 2 evolution in companion animalsLuis Pedro Carmo2024-08-02T20:04:30+00:00
Luis Pedro Carmo2024-08-02T20:04:30+00:00
Tuominen Interventions to a pigger problem Controlling the spread of LA MRSA in a pig herdLuis Pedro Carmo2024-08-02T20:04:30+00:00
Luis Pedro Carmo2024-08-02T20:04:30+00:00
Thomann Global burden of animal diseases case study The burden of animal diseases in UK pork productionLuis Pedro Carmo2024-08-02T20:04:30+00:00
Luis Pedro Carmo2024-08-02T20:04:30+00:00
Tegegne Implementation of One Health surveillance system, opportunities and challenges lessons learned from OH EpiCap evaluationsLuis Pedro Carmo2024-08-02T20:04:30+00:00
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