Best Junior Oral Presentation

SRUC Prize

This prize will be awarded at the annual conference for the best paper presented by a new researcher in any area of veterinary epidemiology. The prize is sponsored by the Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) since 2012, who generously provide £200 for the prize. Authors submitting abstracts for presentation at the conference, and who fulfill the eligibility criteria (below), can request to be considered for this prize. However, please note that the number of SRUC prize candidate slots is limited, and preference is given to oral abstracts scored most highly upon blinded evaluation by the SVEPM committee.

To be eligible for the SRUC prize, candidates must be either:
• A PhD student
• Engaged in a post-graduate residency training
• Not more than 5 years employed in the field of (veterinary) epidemiology or veterinary public health/preventive medicine (inclusive of PhD/post-graduate residency training time)

• The prize will be £200 and will be awarded for at least 5 consecutive years
• If there are no eligible candidates in any year, the prize money will be carried forward for an additional year.

• There will be 3 judges: The Senior Vice-President, Junior Vice-President and Professor George Gunn (SRUC) or his nominee from SRUC
• Judges will meet twice during the annual meeting to deliberate
• The prize will be awarded at the conference dinner on Thursday evening

Judging criteria
• Both the proceedings manuscript and oral presentation will be taken into consideration during the selection process.
• The following criteria must be met:
– Presenter’s own work
– Rigorous, novel science
– Manuscript/presentation should describe a completed piece of research with detailed methods, full results and sensible conclusions
– Presenter must demonstrate in-depth knowledge of the subject through their paper, presentation and answers to questions from audience
– The work must have a defined impact; What is the importance of the work for animal health, public health and/or welfare?

Past Winners

You Chang


A multi-host and multi-route transmission model to assess the effect of control measures on bTB dynamics in Ireland

Sébastian Lambert


Supporting policy by estimating the transmission dynamics of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5 infections in poultry flocks from France and The Netherlands

Irene Bisschop


The association between longevity and animal health in Dutch dairy herds

Brandon Hayes


Elucidating African swine fever transmission patterns between domestic pigs and wild boar in Romania

Jake Thompson


Randomised control trial shows space allowance increases milk production and changes behaviour of housed dairy cows

No award (COVID-19)


Bryony Jones


Exploring local knowledge of sheep and goat disease in the pastoralist Afar region of Ethiopia: implications for peste des petits ruminants disease surveillance

Timothée Vergne


Nomadic movements and infectious disease transmission: tackling avian influenza viruses along the free-grazing duck movement network in Vietnam

Matteo Crotta


Quantitative Risk Assessment of Campylobacter in broiler chickens – assessing the level of contamination at the end of the rearing period

Kaare Græsbøll


How many pooled tests are needed to detect a single positive sample?

Pranav Pandit


Dynamic between herd model for Q fever spread in dairy herds to quantify the impact of different transmission pathways at regional scale

Laura Falzon


A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Factors Associated with Anthelmintic Resistance in Sheep

Fernanda Dórea


Syndromic surveillance in veterinary medicine using laboratory submission data – lessons learned from two systems

Anne Relun


Estimation of the relative impact of treatment and management factors on the prevention of digital dermatitis by survival analysis

Poster Prizes

SVEPM offers three poster prizes, each worth £100 and a course from the MSc Epidemiology at Utrecht University / UMCU. The awardees are announced by the President at the conference dinner on Thursday evening.

Poster Prize Awardees

2024 – Uppsala, Sweden

Jonas Brock

BVD in Ireland: Nearing the End

Helene Jensen

Risk factors for introduction of highly pathogenic avian influenza into holdings with poultry and other captive birds in Denmark

Hyeyoung Kim

Impact of risk factor selection on assessing the risk of introduction of African swine fever to Swedish wild boar

2023 – Toulouse, France

Jonas Brock

IBR eradication in Irish cattle: questions and answers

Margarida de Castro Arede

Ecological Niche Modelling of Anthrax in the Black Sea Basin

Mattias Delpont

Poultry catching: an Achilles heel for biosecurity? Practices, attitudes and solutions to improve compliance

2022 – Belfast, Northern Ireland

Marina Meester

Internal biosecurity measures to reduce hepatitis Evirus positive pigs at slaughter

Jonas Brock

Pitfalls in the analysis of age-dependent prevalence data

John Ellis

Assessing the value of environmental surveillance for early detection of foot-and-mouth disease

2021 – Online

Hélène Cecilia

Rift Valley fever virus hosts are not equal: modelling infectiousness at the individual level

Arianna Comin

How can we improve? Using meat inspection data to identify beef cattle farms with potential animal health and welfare issues

Marina Meester

Between-batch variability in hepatitis E virus infections in slaughter pigs points to future farm interventions

2020 – Online

No poster prize winners, as there were no posters presented in the 2020 conference (COVID-19)

2019 – Utrecht, The Netherlands

Marit Biesheuvel

A Bayesian approach: 1 + 1 = 3? Risk factor analysis for digital dermatitis and interdigital dermatitis

Timothée Vergne

Optimising early detection of avian influenza H7N9 in live bird markets in Vietnam

Kelsey Spence

“Not your average disease”: horse owners’ understanding of exotic diseases and their associated risks

2018 – Tallinn, Estonia

Francisco Calvo Artavia

Cost of LR-MRSA eradication from Danish pig herds

Inge Santman

Development of a surveillance analysis tool for outcome-based comparison of the confidence of freedom generated by control programmes

Anna Camilla Birkegård

Diversity of antimicrobial resistance genes in Danish pig populations

2017 – Inverness, Scotland

Arata Hidano

Farmers’ decision-making around livestock trading practices

Anna Irene Vedel Sørensen

Modeling spread of MRSA in a pig’s herd

Ricardo Alexandre Pinto Lopes

Association between antimicrobial prescriptions, production and biosecurity in sows using Additive Bayesian Networks


Giulia Paternoster

A risk index to evaluate Avian influenza

Ana Carolina Antunes

What to look for when monitoring animal diseases ?

Søren Saxmose Nielsen

Dairy farmers’ compliance with culling recommendation

2015 – Gent, Belgium

Arianna Comin

Data-driven, stochastic modeling of Salmonella Dublin infection

Henriette Brouwer

A prediction model for claw health in dairy herds

Liza Rosenbaum Nielsen

Risk factors associated with Mycoplasma bovis outbreaks in Danish dairy herds 2010-2014

2014 – Dublin, Ireland

Aurore Palisson

Quantification of the transmission risk of bovine tuberculosis by cattle trade

Katherine Adam

Retention of veterinary surgeons in farm animal practice

Geraldine Lammers

Synchronization of E. coli O157 shedding at the Australian grass-fed beef stove

2013 – Madrid, Spain

Ana Antunes

Estimating dog population in Maio Island, Cape Verde

Timothée Vergne

Towards a better understanding of the transmission of African Swine Fever

Luís Pedro Carmo

Exposure assessment of ESBL in meat

2012 – Glasgow, Scotland

Nick Beckley

Assessing mother-cub Mycobacterium bovis transmission in badgers

Lisa Boden

Horse location & movements within mainland Great Britain

Mary Flook

Slaughterhouse sampling as part of Johne’s disease control in Scotland

2011 – Leipzig, Germany

Kathrin Büttner

Trade Contacts In The Pork Supply Chain-Characterization Of The Network Topology

Jenny Stavisky

Characterizing The Un-Owned Pet Population In The UK

Francisco Calvo Artavia

A Case-Control Study Of Risk Factors For Bovine Cysticercosis In Danish Cattle

2010 – Nantes, France

Karine Chalvet-Monfray

Risk quantification of arthropod-borne disease in link with meteorological data

Timothée Vergne

Simulation of capture-recapture methods as a new tool to assess animal disease surveillance: application to FMD outbreak reports in Cambodia

Malcolm Hall

Diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of test procedures for Renibacterium salmoninarum in rainbow trout

2009 – London, UK

Raphaelle Metras

Pilot study for smallholder poultry farms in Northern Vietnam

Nils Toft

Guidelines for establishing the prevalence of paratuberculosis

Clara Marce

Transmission assumptions in paratuberculosis models

2008 – Liverpool, UK

Franz Brulsauer

VD prevalence in Scottish beef suckler herds

Jenny Frossling

Analysis of the reproductive performance in Swedish breeding cats

Thierry Hoch

Quantifying the horizontal transmission of Coxella burnetii, a causative agent of Q-fever, in dairy herds

2007 – Dipoli, Finland

Ruska Rimhanen-Finn

Characteristics of rabies exposures in Finnish inhabitants

Darren Green

Patterns of Atypical Scrapie in Great Britain

Simon Gubbins

The basic reproduction number for bluetongue virus